Friday, October 21, 2011


Norwegian Wood, Haruki Murakami

This week: 170 pages
Last week: 163 pages
Semester total: 1297 pages

Favorite quotes from other people's blog posts (in no particular order, of course)

"In a passage from Cherry Adair's "Out of Sight," she uses blunt vulgarity, noisy and straight-forwardness to get her point across." - Twilight

"The stylistics of Meg Cabot's Shadowland prominently feature straightforward, conversational word choice and a devil-may-care tone for the reader." - Look Up... (Now!)

"Dessen’s raw low- key language precisely augments the conflicting feelings and tragic events of her story." - The Blog of Epic Proportions

I really like the post from Twilight because the writer uses some pretty strong language. Though the ending to the paragraph is a little trite, the rest of the paragraph stands strong. I love that the writer says the author uses "blunt vulgarity," though the rest of the sentence needs some restructuring for the sake of parallelism. Overall, it's a really good post, though it could use some fine-tuning.

I just love that the writer of Look Up... (Now!) describes the author's tone as "devil-may-care." I just love it. So. Much. The rest of the paragraph is also very solid, using a fair balance of left and right analysis. But really, I was won over by the "devil-may-care" tone. What a great word.

The Blog of Epic Proportions also had a really strong style mapping paragraph. I love using the word "raw" to describe language. It's just really powerful and to-the-point. "Augments" is another great word, as is "conflicting." There's some really good language here, so I, naturally, really like it.

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