Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Snaps for Etymology

Did anyone pick up on the Legally Blonde reference? I hope so because that was a little embarrassing considering that 1.) I can quote proficiently from a chick flick romcom, and 2.) this particular chick flick romcom happens to be a sequel (and not a particularly good one).

Anyways, so I went to a college interview today. Yep. I got to talk with a very nice lady from Smith College, so that was fun. And one of the questions she asked me was "Have you read any good books lately?" And honestly, given my reading record these past couple of years, I probably wouldn't have been able to give a particularly good answer had I not taken Etymology. I mean, it's not like I haven't read anything in recent years, but I had a whole pile of books I could talk about because of our 100/150 page a week assignment. Very helpful. For the record, we talked about Norwegian Wood, Battle Royale, Columbine, A Long Way Gone, and And Then There Were None. A pretty wide spread, if I do say so myself. I honestly don't get that. "If I do say so myself." Of course you say so; you just said it. But anyways. Moving on to the assignment (finally).

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